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Over 100.000.000 Kopyto lures sold! Interview Danny Kowalczyk, Relax producer.

vineri, 8 februarie 2019   |   4858   afişări   

When and how did all start with Relax Lures?

Relax Lures started with my father Witold Kowalczyk. Fishing in our family has been passed down for generations. My father came to America by himself in the late 1970’s with $10.00 in his pocket. He worked cleaning floors at a car body shop, and at nights would work on his own car projects to make extra money. A few years later he was able to purchase a boat that he fixed up, and he discovered a whole new world of fishing. My father and all his family member were typically white fish shore fisherman. This was a whole new world for him a totally different way of fishing and tactics. This is where he started using and playing around with soft plastic lures. This was the early 1980’s.  My father would come back to Poland almost every year to visit my grandparents, at this time he would bring soft plastic lures with him to go fishing while in Poland. The results were amazing! A few years later my father was making his own lures in the America and selling them throughout The Europe as we continue and expand to this day.


How did you end up in this business?

I was born not too long after my father came to America. I basically grew up from the beginning of my dad tinkering and using soft plastic lures. It is part of my whole life from a child to currently running the business after my father passed away on a fishing trip in late 2015.


Since the first Kopyto was produced, how many Kopyto lures do you think that were sold all over the world?

Since my father designed the lure, I am safe to say that at least over 100 million Kopyto lures, in different color series, have been sold worldwide and sell to this day. It is one of the easiest and most effective soft lures made for all fisherman no matter the experience/knowledge of age.

How many lures do you have now in stock?

We have a wide range soft plastic lures in different sizes, designs and colors. We have over 20 different products ranging in shad/minnow style lures to grubs and creature lures. All of these products come in different color series and hundreds of different colors each. So, A lot. We keep adding to our lure family with different lures each year as well. I have a very large inventory, due to the fact of manufacturing and then shipping overseas. With a such a lag time and large variety of products and colors I need to have a large inventory.


In your opinion, how important is the color in lure production?

My father believed that color was very important in lures and fishing. In fishing many factors come into place when fishing, but color is one of the major important factors when fishing. I have spent many days fishing, and I can tell you that it’s unpredictable and you never know what kind of day it will be. To this day when I go fishing or hear stories of fishing trips, the fish are biting or not biting or ONLY biting on certain products and specific colors. You in nature its unpredictable!

Who is your biggest competitor on soft plastic lure market?

There are many competitors in the soft plastic lure market, and many more that pop up each year too. We do what we know best and are constantly moving towards the future to bring you the best soft lures fishing lures on the market.

What are the Relax Lures news for 2019?

In 2019 we will be adding three new lures throughout the year to our product range. We are also working on some other products and accessories, but due to competition we will keep that quiet for now. Just make sure you stay up to date with us.


You are also a spinning angler, tell us your 5 favorites lures!

My lure selection depends on the type of fish I am targeting. I typically fish for perch (my favorite) zander and pike. When I go fishing for Perch I use the Clonay 2”, SuperBanjo 3”, and the 2.5” & 3” Bass lure. When Fishing for Zander I use Kopyto 3”, Kopyto 4L, Kalifornia 3” and also Jankee 4”. For Pike fishing I usually bring with me Kingshad 4” and 5”, Kopyto 5” and the Kopyto 6” and occasionally the Jankee 6”. I typically don’t use grubs but if that is what he wants that day, I got a tackle box full of Twister VR’s from 3” – 6” for him 😊.

Where was your best fishing day in Romania?

I have had many great fishing trips in Romania. I have caught a lot of fish, met many wonderful people, and have a lot of great memories fishing. Romania is the first time and place that I went fishing after my father passed away. It was the 2016 Mr. Kopyto Trophy on Sarulesti (Raduta Lake).

Do you have a message for the Romanian anglers who will participate to Mr. Kopyto Trophy 2019?

My message to all the anglers in the 2019 Mr Kopyto Trophy is to try to have a good time and just enjoy themselves. Oh and yes, try to catch a lot of fish too!!!

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